Monday, October 27, 2014

Hate, A big thing in our way of success

In the United States, people commit hate crimes for a multitude of reasons. Hate crimes are commited because of race, religion, ethnicity, sexuallity and disability. However, according to The FBI Uniform Crimes Reports, 54% of all hate crimes in America are committed against blacks, making them the top victims of hate crimes.  The KKK is just one example of an organization that commits hate crimes against black Americans.  According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, religion is the second highest ranking hate crime.  9/11 is arguably one of the worst religious/cultural/political hate crimes ever committed.  Hate crimes are also committed for reasons of ethnicity, sexuality, and disability.  Violent hate crimes are rooted in a fear of differences.  Tolerance for others could mean peace for all.    

The vast majority of hate crime offenders are white males. Other races also commit hate crimes. More white males commit hate crimes than Arabs, Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans combined according to  People who feel and think they are more superior may be offenders.  There is also a big fear factor of indifferences.   It doesn't matter who commits hates crimes, or who the victim is, it's always wrong and it's always about hate.

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